Restore From Backup

EZ Arms Keeper backups two different file types by default .csv and .fflbak.

  • .csv - Is a human readable comma separated value (csv) file. This file only contains acquisition and disposition information. It does not contain any electronic form information.

  • .fflbak - Is a self contained backup of your File Bound Book (.ffl) and / or exported SQL Bound Book. It is a snapshot of your File Bound Book / SQL Bound Book and contains all the data required to restore your bound book.

By default EZ Arms Keeper backups are located at C:\ProgramData\EZ Arms Keeper\ffl.

EZ Arms Keeper also performs an automatic backup (Unless disabled) on the open bound book when EZ Arms Keeper is shutdown. These files are located at C:\ProgramData\EZ Arms Keeper\AutoSave\ffl

  • Note: The ProgramData folder is hidden by default on Windows. To unhide this folder.

Windows 10

    1. Open File Explorer (Windows key + E or from the taskbar).

    2. Select View > Options > Change folder and search options.

    3. Select the View tab and, in Advanced settings, select Show hidden files, folders, and drivers and OK.

Windows 11

  1. Open File Explorer (Windows key + E or from the taskbar).

  2. Select View > Show > Hidden Items.

  • Note: Windows hides the .ffl and .fflbak file extension. To unhide file extensions:

Windows 10

  1. Open File Explorer (Windows key + E or from the taskbar).

  2. Select View > Options > Change folder and search options.

  3. Select the View tab and, in Advanced settings, unselect Hide extensions for known file types and OK.

Windows 11

  1. Open File Explorer (Windows key + E or from the taskbar).

  2. Select View > Show > File name extensions.

Prepare Backup to be Restored

  1. Make a copy of the .fflbak file to another location.

  2. Rename the file, removing either _Export, _YYYYMMDD or _YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS from the file name

  3. Change the file extension from .fflbak to .ffl.

Now open the .ffl file in EZ Arms Keeper and you will have restored your bound book from a backup.