Release Notes
Version -- March 9, 2024
Updated Zoho Billing subscription management API to use new URL. Old URL is being deprecated by Zoho Billing on 4/1/2024. If EZ Arms Keeper is not upgraded to this version or later, shortly after 4/1/2024 the subscription information will fail to be validated and will go into a read-only mode.
Changed 4473 Question 21.m.1 Not Required for U.S. Citizens / Nationals behavior. Previously N/A would be selected for U.S. citizens, N/A is no longer an option and Yes or No must be selected.
Changed behavior when removing a e4473. Previously the disposition would be VOIDed, now the disposition will be removed. (Note: For Advanced SQL Server Bound Book users this will require an additional a database permission change, please contact EZ Arms @ for details.)
Added Michigan License To Purchase RI-010a Permit.
Added Acquisition Status and Disposition Status to Import / Export.
Resolved Object reference not set to an instance of an object error occurring with an e4473 when address information was not filled out before moving to the next screen.
Resolved issue if the next billing date is adjusted to align subscription date to the same date when customers have multiple subscriptions that would cause a subscription to go into read only mode for a period of time.
Resolved issue with Login dialog for SQL Server Databases preventing using the <Browse for more…> drop down selection again if an error occurs.
Updated state exceptions to enforce a 10-day waiting period for all Washington State firearm purchases.
Resolved issue removing firearms from a e4473. If disposition A was being edited and then clicked the Edit e4473 button and removed disposition A from the e4473 there was no issue unless the disposition A was saved after the e4473 was closed which would cause the state of the firearm associated with disposition A to be incorrect.
Resolved issue with NICS Background Check when populating the Non-Hispanic Ethnicity radio button where the NICS web page would still require unchecking / checking the value.
Resolved issue updating a contact raising the duplicate FFL number error. The error was being raised if another contact used the FFL number at one point such as in a case where the FFL Number was accidentally entered and later needed to be changed.
Version -- January 2, 2024
Resolved issue failing to load the NICS background check form with the revised August 2023 ATF Form 4473.
Version -- December 31, 2023
Added support for ATF Form 4473 revised August 2023.
Added support for NYS NICS Background Check auto population.
Added serialization check to prevent losing data electronic 4473 form data.
Resolved issue importing a .ffl file into an advanced SQL Server book.
Resolved issue when adding a firearm to a 4473, then removing that firearm, and then adding it again would throw an error.
Resolved issue where NICS Overturned Date was not being saved.
Resolved issue with editing contact not padding leading zeros to the zip code and removing the phone number if one was entered.
Resolved issue when unchecking the Treat As Handgun option in File->Options->eForms->e3310->Multiple Handgun the firearm would be internally updated to be a long gun.
Version -- September 27, 2023
Resolved issue with printing NICS retrieved status.
Version -- September 24, 2023
Restored NICS auto population functionality.
Adjusted the margin on the NICS web page control to not clip off the web page.
Updated Waiting Period, Minimum Purchase Age, and Direct out of State Sale functionality.
Resolved issue with not being able to create a multiple handgun form when a free form value is used to populate the state for identification.
Resolved issue if waiting period was enabled and there was nothing filled in for the for use by FFL field.
Resolved issue canceling a e4473 when the "Require NICS or State transaction number" was unchecked.
Resolved issue with adding multiple Waiting Period comments to the For Use by FFL field overflowing the 100 characters allowed.
Resolved issue with NICS page failing to load initially.
Resolved issue with checking / unchecking Juneteenth Holiday setting.
Resolved issue with Adding firearms to e4473 after it was created.
Resolved upgrade code issue with the e4473_emails table trying to set permissions before the table was created.
Version -- July 29, 2023
Changed internal Web Browser control to use caching to speed up NICS page loads.
Removed North Carolina Handgun Permit requirement.
Resolved issue with NICS populating the type of identification.
Resolved issue with trying to refresh NICS page if it fails to load.
Resolved issue with Birth Date on the 3310.4 and 3310.10 being displayed 1 day before actual Birthday if the "Store Time Stamps In Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)" setting was enabled.Â
Version -- June 04, 2023
Updated some of the Oregon Background check auto-population.
Renamed Texas "License To Carry A Handgun" Permit to "License To Carry Handgun".
Added Florida "Concealed Weapon License" permit for question 29.
Enhanced to clear the non-citizen answers if the user answers Yes to being a US citizen.
Enhanced toggling between yes and no for the active military question. Moving the address information depending on the selected answer.
Removed unnecessary error handling messages from the eNICS web page.
Removed non-printable characters from the inventory reconcile serial numbers list.
Resolved issue if the File->Options->FFL setting was not set to an FFL it could throw an error populating the permit type in question 29.
Resolved issue where the Edit option was not visible when finding dispositions.
Resolved error when trying to create a firearms transfer file without having the File->Options->FFL setting set to an FFL.
Resolved issue dispositioning a firearm to a 4473 Exempt contact after unchecking the Name and 4473 Only option.
Version -- April 02, 2023
Added Digitally Stored Forms option under eForms for 4473 Cloud integration.
Enhanced to move the current state of residence information to the secondary address when the armed forces on active duty is selected on the electronic 4473 allowing the Buyer to correctly enter there permanent duty station address as the current state of residence that will be transmitted to eNICS.
Restored eNICS electronic 4473 auto-population.
Resolved issue validating the proceed date for question 27.d “Prior to transfer the following response(s) was/were later provided by NICS or the appropriate State agency” before the date was entered.
Resolved issue with Type of Identification overflowing into the ID State field on the 3310.4 and 3310.12 forms.
Resolved issue with validating the Permit Type for states that do not have a NICS exception but require a purchase permit.
Resolved issue where the P-12 and Disposition receipt would not be created if a 4473 was completed after a delay.
Resolved issue with the Find Contact Clear button that prevented using the search again after Clear was pressed.
Resolved issue with the multiple handgun / certain rifle form where an identification can be entered that is not state issued by adding a N/A and USA selection.
Resolved issue when entering the Zip Code for the Current State of Residence or Address or Permanent Duty Station Address on an electronic 4473 where the question description information was not displayed properly.
Version -- February 05, 2023
Resolved issue with missing May 2020 4473 form file.
Increased the size of the touch screen background check signing area.
Resolved issue with manufacturing new assembly.
Version -- January 29, 2023
Added December 2022 revision of the ATF electronic 4473 Form.
Allow adding and removing firearms from a 4473 prior to finalizing the transaction.
Added a suffix drop down to the electronic 4473.
Added question "Are you a member of the Armed Forces on active> duty residing in a different State that your permanent duty station?" to clarify when a second address is needed.
No longer allows entering information in question 26.d unless question 21.n.2 was answered as yes.
If a Buyer answers 21.n.1 as Yes or No then question 20 is required to be filled out.
Added Are you an immigrant Alien? and Are you a nonimmigrant Alien? questions to help with validation of questions 20, 21.n.1, and 21.n.2.
Added Alien Number Type and Alien Expiration Date fields.
Added a drop down for question 26a - Issuing Authority.
Added Firearm Type to Inventory Reconcile Report as sortable column.
Added a drop down for question 29 - No NICS check is required with valid state permit.
Added new setting "Enforce States No NICS Check Without Valid Permit Rules".
If checked this will disable checking question 29 if the state does not have a permit which qualifies as a background check exemption.
If the state has a qualifying background check exemption permit or a purchase permit requirement, then the drop-down list will only allowing selecting an item in the list.
If the state does not have a background check exemption permit or a purchase permit, then question 29 will not be allowed to be checked.
Added Issuing Authority, Type of Identification drop downs, Number on Identification, Expiration Date of Identification fields for Question 26b Supplemental Government Issued Documentation.
Added Certain Rifle checkbox to the Mfg->New Assembly Form.
Changed the default option for File->Options->eForms-e4473->Restore Zoom In / Zoom Out to Unchecked.
Fixed issue that would not update the FFL Contact state or city if either changed.
Fixed issue with populating NICS web page with names that have apostrophes in them.
Fixed issue when the connection is reset or canceled on initial load of the NICS web page.
Fixed issue when an electronic 4473 is canceled the number of firearms will not be changed to zero.
Fixed issue when searching for Multiple Sale dates in the Advanced Settings.
Version -- December 31, 2022
Resolved subscription lookup / refresh issue.
Version -- December 8, 2022
Added Multiple Certain Rifle Form (ATF Form 3310.12)
Added ability to manually create a multiple handgun or certain rifle form if an error occurred before it could be created, or settings were not properly configured.
Added ability to select an FFL Contact when importing a Firearms Transfer File.
Improved error messages when Importing Acquisitions and Dispositions
Added Require Actual Buyer Yes or No Answer Only Settings to the e4473 Settings.
Added additional check for expired NICS check based on the Proceed date.
Added check to verify permit date of issuance is not older than 5 years.
Reworked the Send Firearm Transfer Email to Contact to export template values for the Acquisition Contact name to allow import without having to modify the export file.
Increased 4473 Cloud communication timeout from 30 to 60 seconds.
Changed auto saving behavior of the Multiple Handgun forms to be consist with a electronic 4473 Form, to limit loss of changes.
Fixed issue with error on question 19 United States of America going to an empty screen.
Fixed issue with editing multiple dispositions connected to a 4473 that would cause a 4473 to remain pending after the 4473 is completed.
Fixed issue with CBI populating the last name / suffix incorrectly when there were two last names and the second last name started with the letters of a suffix.
Fixed issue with NICS 30 days old check being skipped.
Fixed issue with Page identification truncation on Bound Book, Disposition, and Current Inventory reports.
Fixed issue with Buyer Recertification Prompt showing up when not needed.
Fixed SQL Server database upgrade issue.
Fixed issue with Advanced SQL Book using 4473 Cloud did not have permissions to save the auth session.
Version -- August 28, 2022
Fixed issue with the Digitally Store Form button being visible on the FFL Standard subscription and on the FFL Professional subscription without the 4473 Cloud Addon enabled.
Fixed issue with eNICS 4473 auto-population overwriting manually typed data when there is an error detected by eNICS.
Fixed issue with Birth Country auto-population errors in eNICS with counties that don’t map directly from EZ Arms Keeper to eNICS.
Fixed issue with searching by name for 4473's when a contact does not have a middle name.
Fixed issue with completing 4473 in trial mode. The automatic digital storage feature was enabled and would fail.
Fixed issue with email validation in subscription activation form that was too restrictive with the email validation.
Handled issue if a 4473 was uploaded to 4473 Cloud outside of EZ Arms Keeper that EZ Arms Keeper can look up the document id from 4473 Cloud and associate it in the EZ Arms Keeper database so the form can be pulled up easily in 4473 Cloud in the future.
Version -- August 14, 2022
Added Digital Form Storage Feature (4473 Cloud Integration).
Added ATF Firearms Acquisition and Disposition Record Report.
Added Florida FDLE background check.
Restored FFL Contact lookup.
Changed Pistol Grip Firearm from Pistol to Other.
Added check for question 27.e to make sure the question is not filled out unless "No response was provided within 3 business days." is filled out on question 27.d.
Removed dashes from NICS numbers on identification.
Updated e4473 Background Check System to be able to apply at the Application or Bound Book Level.
If Myanmar is entered as the Foreign Country of Birth, it will be translated to Burma for NICS.
Enforce Issuing State is the same as the transferring state.
Made question 29 Permit Issuance optional.
Don't allow checking question 29 if in New Mexico.
Updated Oregon FICS background check integration.
Updated NICS to put in the proper country code for Germany.
Fixed issue with social security number on 4473 being saved if not entered.
Fixed issue where Custom Contacts fields that had been designated FFL Contact or Non-FFL Contact were always being displayed regardless of the type of contact.
Fixed NICS height and weight auto population.
Fixed errors counting # of Pending records when there was no open bound book.
Fixed issue with Google OAuth using a SQL Bound Book.
Fixed issue with email Firearm Transfer emails.
Fixed issues with CBI and NICS auto-population.
The internal identifier used to populate question 20/26a Miscellaneous Numbers on the eNICS changed. Updated to restore auto population behavior.
Fixed issue with RequireBuyerCertificationDateMatchesNICSCheckTransmittedDate validation check when the buyer certification was not filled out.
Fixed issue with checking for an electronic signature when the buyer certification date was not filled out.
Fixed the 3310.4 Treat as Handgun settings to be visible allowing changes.
Fixed resizing of the export form button on the last screen of the 4473.
Version -- February 6, 2022
Added Seller Review option to the Buyer Section.
Added option to toggle between having a serial number bar code on the Acquisition / Disposition receipt.
Added South Korea, North Korea, and Korea as countries.
Added ability to overlay application settings from a file when EZ Arms Keeper is started. Once the settings are applied the file is deleted.
Question 27a (the day background check is submitted) on the e4473 will be populated with the current date if user performs a background check with the California DROS, Colorado InstaCheck, Illinois State Police, or Oregon FICS background check system.
Username is no longer a required command line parameter when specifying the advanced command line option.
Updated to not show the Buyer Recertification screen if the e4473 had a transfer date that was the same day as the buyer certification date.
Fixed issue with sending emails without SSL/TLS enabled.
Fixed validation of email settings when saving File->Options.
Fixed issue with auto populating with a 4473 when there is an error and continuing to auto populate values.
Fixed issue with Disposition / Acquisition receipt bar code not handling lower case serial numbers.
Fixed issue with Kiosk Disposition when the Auto Populate customer name and address setting is disabled.
Fixed ATF Sent DateTime grid column name in the multiple handgun form find screen.
Version -- January 10, 2022
Updated Multiple Handgun Form (3310.4) to the December 2021 revision.
Added OAuth 2.0 email support for Gmail and Microsoft.
Added Export Form button to last screen on the e4473.
Fixed issue with printing Acquisition Firearm labels if a contact is not selected.
Version -- January 3, 2022
Added Name Wizard for contacts to allow typing in the parts of a name (First, Middle, Last, Suffix).
Added Last e4473 Number and e4473 Pending statistics to main screen.
Added functionality to record if the 4473 / multiple handgun forms were sent.
Added a bar code for the serial number on Acquisition / Disposition Receipts.
Added ability to change subscription information.
Added Acquisition Status and Disposition Status to the File->Export csv file.
Added Contact custom field info to details.
Question 27a (the day background check is submitted) on the e4473 will be populated with the current date if user completes the eNICS verify.
Removed First Name is Initial Only, Last Name is Initial Only from the e4473 form.
Resolved issue with the integration of the ATF FFLeZCheck Lookup.
Resolved issue with Find Disposition advanced disposition custom fields not filtering correctly.
Resolved issue with Cancelling an e4473 when the buyer did not finish.
Resolved firearm line alignment issue on the multiple handgun form.
Resolved issue with the Firearm Summary report including e4473Cancelled and e4473Denied dispositions.
Version -- June 30, 2021
Added To Type, To Caliber to the manufacturing report.
Added print button to the Inventory Reconcile report.
Fixed eNICS 4473 form auto population.
Fixed issue with Multiple Handgun form creating pdf with a specific length firearm model.
Updated logic that determines if a repaired firearm triggers a e4473.
Fixed issue with upgrading from EZ Arms Keeper 2.x
Fixed report dates from having the year clipped off.
Fixed issue with Disposition Kiosk code search.
Fixed issue with not showing previous errors on the e4473 form when it is reopened.
Fixed issue with the height validation throwing an error if a non number is entered.
Fixed issue where e4473 form is validating conditions and assumed an object was not null.
Version -- February 20, 2021
Added country to the Received From and Sold To bound book report fields for foreign country contacts
Updated Subscription API to use the OAuth authentication method
Converted installer to use an Any CPU build instead of having to compile a x86 and x64 build
Fixed issues with detecting if subscription had expired
Fixed issue with subscription lookup if the bound book cannot be reached
Fixed issue with Multiple handgun form and selecting Non-Binary option
Fixed issue with e4473 dates not being able to be edited when an error occurs
Fixed issue with handling invalid zip code when creating new contacts
Fixed issue with selecting the FFL on the last screen of the electronic 4473 and transferring the firearm when an out of state sale should have been detected
Fixed issue with foreign non FLL contacts full address not showing up on the disposition report
Fixed issues with some validation error messages not being raised during an A&D import
Fixed issue creating initial lookup database
Fixed issue with 18a / 18b electronic 4473 form descriptions being reversed
Removed draft from California electronic 4473 form
Removed the FoxIt.PDF control dependency
Version -- September 26, 2020
Added May 2020 revision of the ATF electronic 4473 Form
Added (Options->eForms-e4473->Form Revision) setting to control the electronic 4473 form version used when creating a new e4473
Added (Options->eForms-e4473-Hide Kiosk Options in Bound Book Mode) setting to hide the New Kiosk Disposition Option
Added (Reports->Manufacturing) report, only available if the (Options->General->Enable Manufacturing Menu) is enabled
Added (Options->General->Show Find Advanced Settings By Default) setting
Added (Options->General->Database Connection Timeout) setting. Only available for SQL Bound Books
Added (Options->General->Launch Windows Full Screen) setting
Added Export button to (Options->UPCs)
Added St Louis Park Zip Code
Added functionality to clear the internal web browser cache on the start of EZ Arms Keeper
Enhanced multiple handgun form to allow non United States places of birth
Reworked how Advanced Bound Book user role membership is determined
Updated Subscription Activation email validation
Fixed issue when clicking the Transfer Button and there were error’s they would not be shown
Fixed issue with multiple handgun form not allowing entering a city
Fixed issue with (eForms->3310.4->Edit 3310.4 Form) clicking the Show Advanced Find Options would now show the advanced options
Fixed issue with P-12 auto population
Fixed issue with 4473# not showing up in (Disposition->Find Disposition) if using Basic Subscription
Fixed issue with birth country with multiple handgun form
Fixed issue with (Disposition->Find Disposition) screen moving serial number to different columns
Fixed electronic 4473 corner case incorrectly classifying long gun’s as other
Fixed issue with FFL Number search in (Contacts->Find Contact)
Fixed issue with subscription expiring without checking to see if the subscription had already been renewed
Fixed issue with not being able to edit a disposition and switch to a Name and 4473 number only
Version -- March 3, 2020
Fixed resizing issue with the 4473 Exempt checkbox on a Non-FFL Contact that was being resized in a way that hide the word "Exempt" making it look like you should check the box if you want the contact to perform a 4473 instead of opposite
Fixed with Reports->Firearm Trace multiple serial number search. When multiple serial numbers where entered they were not being used
Version -- February 29, 2020
Official Release of EZ Arms Keeper 3.x
Moved from perpetual license (EZ Arms Keeper 2.x) to a subscription software (EZ Arms Keeper 3.x) model
Universal Product Code (UPC / SKU) Auto Population
FFL Firearm Transfer / Acquisition Import
Acquisition Import
Added a ReadOnly Advanced Bound Book role
Added the .fflbak file to represent backed up bound book files
Changed the new bound book default # of backups to keep from 2 to 30
Changed the Auto Save # of backups to keep from 7 to 30
Updated ATF Form 3310.4 to September 2018 revision
Updated the Manufacturers report to revised July 2018
Added friendlier error messages
Fixed issue with associating multiple sale date to previous multiple handgun report when 2 or more firearms are transferred.
A Multiple Handgun Form will not be generated for dispositions to Non USA contacts
A Multiple Handgun Form will not be generated if a contact has the 4473 Exempt checked
Version 2.0.362.0 -- February 29, 2020
Updated installer to a mixed 32/64 bit installer.
Added Import Acquisition Feature
Added Allow Editing TTSN Number setting. By default this setting is disabled and prevents changing the TTSN number on a electronic Form after it is assigned.
Added Row Number to the Current Inventory Report
Added additional validation checks to the electronic 443 form
Checks if the Buyer Certification Date matches the date the NICS check was performed
Checks if Date Transferred is different from the Buyer Certification Date and requires Q.19d is filled out as well as Q.22, Q.23
Suppress Additional Error information when a user manually cancels a electronic 4473
No longer requires that question 19.d on the electronic 4473 is filled out when manually cancelled
Update when a Disposition is being VOIDed and has an attached electronic 4473 the electronic 4473 will be forced to Canceled and the Date Transferred cleared.
Fixed issue with VOIDing a disposition using a SQL Bound Book.
Fixed issue with more than 4 firearms on an electronic 4473 and the manufacture name on the 5th firearm being greater than 40 characters.Â
Fixed issue with handgun firearms residence check.
Version 2.0.337.0 -- April 29, 2019
Restored e4473 auto-population to FBI NICS E-Check web page
Integrated with Amazon Web Services (AWS) RDS
Added friendlier error messages when a failure to connect to the database occurs
Added delete permissions to the Administrators role on tables for advanced bound books
Decreased installer size, no longer bundles .NET
Updated the Multiple Rifle form
Version 2.0.333.0 -- November 10, 2018
Fixed issue with e4473 no longer auto-populating after NICS update.
Added Acquisition status in the Firearm Trace Screen.
Upgraded to EO.Total 2018.3.23.0.
Upgraded to DevExpress v18.1.7.
Fixed issue with e4473 form font resizing throwing errors.
Fixed issue with showing an incorrect last status for duplicate serial numbers.
Fixed parsing of 5-4 zip codes in FFL numbers.
Fixed issue with that occurred when the "Store TimeStamps in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)" setting was enabled and a user tried to transfer a e4473. An error message "The Date Transferred cannot be before the Buyer Certification Date" was raised. This had to do with incorrectly treating the Date Transferred in box 37 to as a UTC time and converting it to local time which cause the Date Transferred to be before the Buyer Certification date.
Changed to use the disposition date instead of the current date in the multiple handgun 5 day period calculation.
Version 2.0.326.0 -- August 08, 2018
Added “Enable Manufacturing Menu” setting. This shows a Mfg menu on the main screen that allows converting firearms from receiver/frame to rifle, etc. in bulk.
Added Require NICS or State Transaction Number Setting.
Added e4473 check to validate the Date Transferred is on or after the buyer certification date.
Fixed issue with e4473 no longer auto-populating after NICS update.
Changed to use the disposition date instead of the current date in the multiple handgun 5-day period calculation.
Fixed issue with the Multiple Handgun within 5-day period calculation. It was not always properly calculating business days.
Fixed issue where the Acquisition information would be updated if the Acquisition Contact had been updated due to an FFL expiration during a disposition. It will now retain the original disposition information.
Fixed issue with bound book report not filling out disposition address for addresses outside of the US.
Fixed issue with importing data into an Advanced Bound Book.
Version 2.0.319.0 -- June 11, 2018
Added new zip codes.
Centered form when specifying monitor.
Allowed saving of e4473 zoom level.
Allowed specifying what monitor EZ Arms Keeper starts on.
Added additional information to bug report dialog.
Maximize e4473 form when in Kiosk mode.
Trimmed white space from customer entered Kiosk names.
Allowed specifying the bound book mode via command line.
Updated EULA.
Upgraded to .NET Framework 4.0 to 4.6.1
Upgraded HTMLAgilityPack 1.4.6 to 1.8.4
Upgraded PDFClown 0.1.2 beta to 0.1.2
Fixed FFL Lookup
Fixed error on Multiple Handgun form with Pistol grips firearms.
Fixed issue with maximizing the e4473 when in Kiosk Mode.
Fixed issue with the default e4473 FFL Contact.
Fixed issue with Acquisition Counts not updating after opening a different bound book.
Version 2.0.311.0 -- March 18, 2018
Upgraded to DevExpress 17.2.3
Upgraded Essential Objects to version 2018.0.70.
Improved performance of importing contacts.
Enhanced to trim white space of the front and end of strings such as the serial number, model, caliber, etc.
Added Combo Box Auto Complete Case Insensitive setting.
Added ability to specify the software update check URL.
Added in application technical support contact form.
Allow specifying the bound book mode via command line.
Updated the Annual Firearms Manufacturing and Exportation Report to the revised August 2017 version of ATF E-Form 5300.11.
Antique firearms will no longer generate an electronic 4473.
Email Page two (instructions) with multiple handgun form.
Added AWS SimpleEmail dependency.
Removed various 3rd party dependencies
Only allow a multiple disposition with all Antique firearm types mixing firearm types is not allowed.
Promoted "Pistol Grip Firearm" firearm type to treat as handgun by default.
Changed Viet Nam to resolve to Socialist Republic of Vietnam (RV) on the NICS country of citizenship versus North Vietnam (VN).
Added England and Wales as foreign countries
Disabled DPI awareness.
Fixed settings validation issue with P-12 form margins.
Fixed memory leak issues causing screen freeze ups.
Fixed out of memory issue with backing up large SQL Server Bound Books into File Bound Books.
Fixed issue with File->Options->Printer->Paper Size not having a selected value.
Fixed installer missing dependency issue.
Pressing the enter key on the Firearm Trace Report did not press the Find button.
Version -- October 24, 2017
Updated to use new ATF FFL EZ Check web address.
Converted to a Private install of Microsoft SQL Server Compact 4.0 Edition.
Upgraded to Microsoft SQL Server Compact 4.0 Edition SP1 + hotfix.
Upgraded to Visual Studio 2017
Upgraded to DevExpress 17.1.7
Upgraded to Essential Objects 2017.3.13
Version -- October 7, 2017
Added a focus event when auto populating data during the eNICS Check.
Fixed issue with a Kiosk e4473 that is left open that can later overwrite a completed e4473 losing the Seller's information.
Fixed e4473 issue with the address overrunning the field on the form.
Fixed exception that can be thrown when sending multiple handgun form with improperly configured settings.
Version -- September 14, 2017
Added ability to email multiple handgun forms.
Added New York Electronic P-12 form.
Updated e4473 NICS auto population.
Added Database Query timeout setting.
Reworked File->Options dialog to allow for future settings to be added.
Changed the installer to use SQL Server 2014 SP2 vs 2008 SP2.
Swapped out the Microsoft.InkPicture control for the Microsoft.InkCavas touch screen control.
Removed ability to edit outdated version's of the electronic 4473 form.
Fixed issue with deleting multiple hand form with SQL Bound Book.
Fixed issue with using SQL Bound Book and multiple firearm transfer.
Fixed issue with multiple handgun form not working as expected.
Removed zip code feature that prevented populating the city, state, county in Section A of the e4473 form.
Fixed issue with picking the latest contact.
Fixed resizing of the login form.
Fixed issue with loading old e4473 forms.
Version -- May 23, 2017
Doubled screen space that electronic signatures can use.
Added User Defined Types to the Optional Report Settings.
Added feature for zip code to not populate the city, state, county in Section A of the e4473 form.
Modified Acquisition / Disposition FFL Expiration check to consider the date of the Acquisition / Disposition versus using the current date to compare against the FFL Expiration date.
Removed the x option when the e4473 Data Entry Mode is Prompt and you are prompted to choose between Buyer and Seller / Seller Only or Skip. If you previously clicked close on the Window it would transfer the firearm as if you clicked Skip. Now the x is no longer available to click.
Removed option for old and new version of e4473 form.
Relaxed rules allowing deletion of e4473 to allow deleting if the firearm has not been part of a NICS check or transferred.
Removed restriction on editing the transfer date of the e4473 when the e4473 is already transferred.
Fixed issue with e4473 reverting to the Buyer Finished page.
Fixed issue where e4473 required a Buyer Signature before canceling the e4473.
Fixed issue with deleting e4473's.
Fixed issue where you could make a selection in the Sold To list box and then select the Kiosk e4473 option and try to save the disposition. If the item selected in the list box wasn't a e4473 entry then an unhandled exception would be thrown.
Fixed issue where the Buyer could accept their answers to Section A questions without having entered all the required information. This happened if the Buyer was at the buyer certification screen and possibly ignored validation errors up to this point, closed the e4473 and then reopened it and clicked the Accept button.
Fixed issue where the Stop Firearms(s) Transfer button would cause the e4473 form to close even if there were errors that prevented the e4473 from being canceled.
Fixed issue in Kiosk mode where a Buyer changes their name information and it is not picked up.
Fixed issue with un-expected error being thrown when filling out a e4473 in Kiosk mode for a Non-FFL Contact that was previously created using the 4473 Number and name only on a disposition.
Fixed issue with Type of Identification longer than 50 characters causing the e4473 form to fail to save.
Fixed issue with Kiosk e4473 that gets stuck in limbo.
Fixed issue with editing a transferred e4473 where it would set the firearms transferred to zero.
Fixed issue where the e4473 Contact State Id was being compared to the FFL Contact State Id exactly, changed this to a case insensitive comparison.
Fixed issue where Question 18.b was being required to be filled out even if the secondary address provided showed the transferee was a resident of the state.
Fixed issue that would now allow a e4473 to be completed if the MDI date is entered and a later response was received from NICS.
Version -- January 30, 2017
Added border around the touch signature box and the captured signature.
Updated Bound Book Report Grid Mode to show the 4473#, Status, Country of Manufacture, and Notes fields.
Fixed issue where a NICS Denied request was updating the status to e4473Cancelled instead of e4473Denied.
Fixed issue that prevented creating a new FFL contact in the File-Options->FFL Settings screen.
Fixed issue when deleting a e4473 that throws an unhandled error.
Fixed issue with populating Hispanic when Not Hispanic or Latino in the e4473 Form on the NICS e-Check site.
Version -- January 15, 2017
Updated NICS eForm population of "IO" to latest NICS instructions going into effect January 16, 2017.
Changed name display on the 4473 Form for name initial only from displaying IO to "IO".
Changed name display on the 4473 Form for no middle name from displaying NMN to "NMN".
Added Buyer Red Flag setting to File->Options->e4473 Settings to allow showing the Red Flag when hovered over shows the reasons why a transfer would not be allowed on the Buyer Review and Buyer Certification Screens. By default, this setting is disabled.
Upgraded Topaz .NET Signature driver (SigPlusNET.dll) from to
Forced signature boxes to not resize.
Reworked screens to allow more screen space before clipping controls.
Enhanced deleting a Pending e4473 allowing either deleting the e4473 and transferring the firearms without an electronic 4473 or delete the e4473 and Void the disposition returning firearms to inventory.
Removed Cancel Transfer button from the Seller Certification screen to reduce confusion if you canceled earlier and were moved to this screen.
Fixed error message when question 10.a Ethnicity is not answered to no longer say you need to enter your full social security number.
Fixed issue with choosing incorrect firearm transfer type when auto populating NICS information with older e4473 form.
Fixed Number and Street Address overrunning into City on 4473 form.
Fixed issue where the contact information was not being automatically populated on the multiple handgun form when the disposition was transferred outside of using an electronic 4473 form.
Fixed issue if No Middle Name is selected during a e4473 that results in a Multiple Handgun Form the middle name was left blank and an error would be flagged changed to fill it in with NMN.
Fixed issue with clicking the x button when prompted to enter the reason for the change that would throw an unhandled error and prevent the transaction from being saved. (Removed the form control box to further prevent this issue)
Version -- January 3, 2017
Added code to strip non-printable characters that manage to make their way into a date time field. This prevents an error from being elevated to the user.
Changed allowing future dates to be entered 25 years in the future to 100 years. Caused issue with expiration dates that were valid 30 years into the future.
Fixed issue with e4473 Question 11h displaying the same text at Question 11i.
Fixed issue with Country of Citizenship (USA) not populating on the NICS background check.
Fixed issue with populating NICS Birth State, State of Residence when the selected values are Washington or the District of Columbia.
Version -- January 1, 2017
Updated Electronic 4473 (e4473) form wizard for revised October 2016 ATF 4473 Form.
Added e4473 transfer check for firearm other than shotgun or rifle transfer to anyone who is not a resident of the State where the transfer is to take place.
Reworked e4473 transfer error checking. Allows advancing to the next screen with errors. Advancing past checkpoints such as buyer certification, seller certification, transfer firearm, stop firearm transfer is prevented without entering required fields.
Reworked how e4473 can be cancelled. It can now be cancelled immediately after completion of Section A of the form. Clicking the Cancel Transfer button will advance to the second to last screen requiring a few fields to be filled out then advance to the last screen where the transaction can be stopped.
If a buyer section A question would prevent the e4473 transfer the NICS check screens are now skipped.
Changed all e4473 date time field entry to month / day / year to prevent incorrect date entry.
Added an age calculation to the e4473 birthday field.
Added more detail on specific reason e4473 transfer is prohibited.
Added split out section on last screen to clearly indicate if the transfer should not happen.
Added a buyer review screen to e4473. Allows buyer to look at the form and verify their answers are correct.
Increased default font size of all text on e4473.
Added prompting to indicate a cancelled, denied, transferred e4473 firearm cannot be changed.
Allowed deleting a Kiosk e4473 accepted by buyer but not yet attached to a firearm.
Removed Auto Save e4473 Form setting, October 2016 e4473 forms are now always automatically saved on close and advancement of a screen.
Reworked the missing disposition information (MDI) / transfer after 3 days error check calculation.
Version -- November 18, 2016
Added e4473 Kiosk Feature.
Added Auto Save e4473 Form Setting.
Added Auto Updater installer functionality.
Added XML Import feature.
Added command line parameters to open a SQL Server Bound Book.
Added ability to set the timeout of the FFL Contact lookup.
Updated the FBI NICS Link to
Fixed issue with improperly calculating NICS Delays.
Fixed out of bounds error when clicking the proceed button and saving.
Fixed issue with e4473 being canceled and the firearm not being put back into inventory.
Fixed issue with e4473 electronic signature locking up when in mode Touch Screen mode.
Fixed issue with multiple disposition form throwing error if a contact that did not exist in the list was typed in and save pressed.
Fixed issue with incorrect state of residence code being populated when transferring information to the NICS web page.
Fixed issue with incorrectly auto populating identification state in the e3310.4 form.
Version -- August 10, 2016
Fixed issue with EZ Arms Keeper installer not installing proper dependencies on 64bit computers.
Version -- August 09, 2016
Updated to integrate with New NICS.
Added Acquisition Report option to Find Disposition screen.
Added ability to prevent free form entry of values in the drop down lists during an acquisition. This feature is implemented in the File->Options->Memorized lists.
Added check for disposition dates less than the acquisition date.
Added additional error information when a duplicate serial number was entered.
Added additional exception handling to the NICS e-Check form.
Increased the length allowed for the backup folder.
Updated bound book report from "Manufacturer / Importer" to "Manufacturer and importer (if any)".
Reworked the e4473 text on resizing.
Removed x64 portion of the installer.
Fixed issue with the e4473 zoom in / zoom out button functionality being reversed.
Fixed issue where the "Show Acquisition Count on Main Screen" setting when disabled did not remove the Handgun, Long guns, and others counts as well.
Fixed issue with Multiple Handgun Form when birth place is a foreign county requiring city and state.
Version -- June 21, 2016
Restored the print form button on the Acquisition and Disposition screens.
Fixed issue with the electronic Multiple Handgun Form where it would be launched after a disposition to the same contact that did not use a e4473 and did not have any handguns involved.
Fixed issue with the electronic Multiple Handgun Form where it would be launched after a delayed NICS check.
Fixed issue with the disposition report throwing an error on a disposition contact that did not have address information entered.
Version -- June 05, 2016
Allow e3310.4 Date Copy 2 was forward to Agency to be up to 5 days in the future.
Fixed issue where the e3310.4 form would not Print and / or Export the employee name / additional information if the finish button had not been clicked first.
Fixed issue with Bound Book report Acquisition datetime when "Original and Corrected" was selected throwing an error.
Fixed issue on e3310.4 settings having two Sunday business days.
Version -- May 28, 2016
Added Electronic Multiple Handgun Sale feature (e3310.4).
Added ability to delete e4473 Forms that have not been signed off on by a buyer.
Added feature to lookup FFL Number if entered into Received From or Sold To field when clicking new FFL Number.
Added ability to perform electronic signature with Touch Screen or Mouse.
Added button to clear Recent Bound Book History.
Added the ability to print the Current Inventory, Disposition and Bound Book Report when using the grid view.
Added additional error trapping code to the Add Acquisition / Disposition form.
Modified Bound Book report to have additional options. (Original Entries, Corrected Entries, Original and Corrected, and Latest Entries).
Modified behavior if you open the New / Find / Edit form and then open an additional form and cancel that form automatically close out the first form as well.
Adjusted Bound Book / Current Inventory / Disposition reports to export to pdf with better formatting to a single page wide.
Increased the limit of the serial numbers that can be queried for at one time via the Inventory Reconcile Report using a SQL Bound Book.
Updated to allowed viewing of signatures even if an electronic pad was not in use.
Updated the 5300-11 pdf form.
Forced the serial number to upper case when printing a firearm label.
Forced state abbreviation in Acquisition / Disposition import to upper case.
Removed the ability to return to the buyer section of the e4473 form after starting the Seller Section due to ATF Ruling 2016-2.
Dropping support for Windows XP. XP will still work however FFL Lookup and e4473 features are known not to work anymore.
Fixed issue auto selecting Vietnam in the NICS background search page.
Fixed issue with using California Background check system and having a signature pad enabled.
Fixed issue where it was not possible to edit a disposition that was saved with Name and 4473 Number only.
Fixed issue with not being allowed to Proceed after initially being delayed on a NICS check if the Brady Date was filled in.
Fixed issue with reducing the number of Recent Bound Books where the list was not reduced.
Fixed issue with UTC reseller signature when converted to local time being the wrong date.
Fixed issue with e4473 recertification date and UTC time during not correctly prompting when a recertification signature was needed.
Fixed comparison of FFL transfer State.
Fixed bug introduced in where a canceled 4473 would get canceled but the firearm would not be returned to an open acquisition.
Version -- December 30, 2015
Resolved issue introduced in where a canceled 4473 would get canceled but the firearm would not be returned to a pending acquisition.
Version -- December 26, 2015
Added California Safe Handling Demonstration Affidavit
Added code to disable the Auto_Close SQL Server database option. If this option is enabled, it can cause performance issue when trying to establish a connection to the database. Any EZ Arms Keeper SQL Server bound book database created prior to this version will have the Auto_Close option enabled. It is strongly recommended that you disable this option.
Added setting allowing disabling the Auto Populate Firearm Info based on Model.
Added more exception handling to the e4473 Form Wizard.
Added a check if the serial number was changed from what was initially loaded during an Acquisition edit to make sure it would not cause a duplicate.
Added ability to print / save multiple e4473's pdf files at one time.
Added Enforce Firearm Uniqueness by Manufacturer and Serial Number setting.
Updated FFL Expiration date generation code.
Added Next # button to Multiple Disposition screen.
Added Grid View to Bound Book, Disposition, and Current Inventory Reports.
Added code to prevent performing a backup if the drive or folder does not exist.
Changed report pages to generate in the background.
Changed Acquisition / Disposition error message to a warning message.
Changed to allowed the serial number to wrap on the bound book report.
Changed notes field was to not be hidden on the Grid view in the Current Inventory report.
Fixed issue with creating new Non-FFL contact during Acquisition.
Fixed issue with savings an acquisition or disposition that doesn't have a contact selected from the list.
Fixed issue allowing date times in the future.
Fixed issue allowing savings dates less than 01/01/1753. These are invalid dates in the database.
Fixed issue with canceled e4473's that was putting a transfer date on the 4473 form that is not required.
Fixed UTC datetime not converting to local time on question 17 in the e4473 form.
Fixed issue with 4473 number not showing up properly on a Firearm Trace Report.
Version -- August 21, 2015
Added Disposition, Acquisition Receipt and Disposition Receipt Reports.
Added button to print the Acquisition and Disposition screen.
Converted Acquisition & Disposition, Firearm Summary, and Current Inventory reports to new reporting engine.
Added Options->FFL Number Settings.
Upgraded e4473 Web Browser control to support Windows 10.
Updated Contact / Acquisition and Disposition Details screens to allow copying data when viewing a record.
Updated to handle California DROS web page pop-ups.
Reworked Contacts form to resize correctly on machines with different resolution settings.
Fixed issue with error email incorrectly identifying host Operating System.
Fixed issue with slow performance of the NICS check.
Fixed issue preventing upgrading older bound book files.
Fixed issue with saving blank electronic signatures.
Version -- July 8, 2015
Added Oregon Firearms Instant Check System (FICS) Background Check.
Fixed issue with "Name and 4473 Number Only" disposition throwing an unhandled exception.
Version -- July 1, 2015
Added California Dealer Record of Sale (DROS) Background Check.
Added Illinois State Police Background Check.
Added the ability to return to the buyer section of the e4473 form after starting the Seller Section.
Added support for e4473 Electronic Signatures.
Added Once Removed Disposition Repaired Firearm Lookback feature.
Added zoom-in, zoom-out buttons on the e4473 form to increase / decrease the font size.
Added the "Next #" button on the new dispositions form when using the "Name and 4473 Number Only" option to click to generate the next available 4473 number.
Added the ability to change the Bound Book Name font color and size.
Updated FFL Number expiration date code when updating FFL Number.
Added visual indication there is an issue with the transfer after the buyer section is completed.
Fixed issue with the information transfer from the e4473 to NICS form not populating all of the items.
Fixed issue where Background Check web sites would not load using Windows 8.1.
Fixed issue with advanced bound book Windows Authentication when automatically logging in on application start-up.
Fixed issue where e4473 form would not load if the e4473 FFL contacts where changed.
Fixed incorrect wording for failed e4473 MDI date check. The error should have mentioned the firearm is not allowed to be transferred until the date of the MDI date or a further response from NIC's is made.
Fixed issue where the currently open bound book file could be deleted.
Fixed Received From / Sold To duplicate contact name selection issue.
Fixed issue if the Contact is not shown in the Received From / Sold To lists that the latest contact will be show when editing the contact.
Fixed issue where duplicate contacts were added to the Received From / Sold To lists when using the ... button and performing an operation.
Fixed issue with requiring a buyer recertification is the UTC timestamp setting was enabled.
Fixed issue with upgrading an Advanced Bound Book with only Administrator privileges.
Fixed issue where Buyer Certification screen was no longer visible.
Fixed issue with SQL Bound Book time being set property after an import into new bound book.
Fixed Advanced database permissions for Settings Manager and Administrator when modifying settings.
Fixed corner case issue with Disposition only permission not being able to complete a disposition if a newer version of the acquisition contact needed to be used to complete the disposition.
Fixed issue with Acquisition and Disposition import when the notes column is not specified in the .csv file.
Version -- December 19, 2014
Added bound book support for Microsoft SQL Server (2005, 2008, 2012, 2014) databases.
Added Multiple User Authentication / Role based security to Advanced Authentication SQL Bound Book.
Added User Defined Fields.
Added Colorado InstaCheck background check.
Added ability to import / manually add items to the memorized lists.
Added ability to specify a format for the e4473 Transferor’s Transaction Serial Number (TTSN).
Added .ffl file association to windows.
Added settings to disable prompts.
Added Page Size option to the Firearm Label Printer Settings.
Added Firearm Label Paper Size Setting.
Added FFL Exempt flag to Non-FFL contact.
Added Store Time Stamps In Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) setting.
Added e4473 Auto populate customer name and address setting.
Added user defined fields to Acquisition and Disposition Report.
Added ability to search on User Defined Fields.
Enhanced Import Contacts to lookup FFL information as the Acquisition and Disposition import does.
Added validation check for header rows when importing data from a file.
Added Acquisition query filtering to the Acquisition and Disposition Report.
Added start / end range find filter for Find Dialogs.
Updated e4473 to print 4473 form faster.
Updated to properly fill out the ethnicity and race question when transferring information to NICS E-Check after FBI web site change.
Updated Firearm Summary Report to query by Acquisition Date and include open acquisitions. Also added sum total.
Changed the date controls on the reports to a DevExpress control.
Changed e4473Form to be resizeable.
Changed "Country Of Manufacture" to "Country of Manufacture".
Changed Add / Edit Contact Expired FFL Check from an Error to a Warning.
Fixed issue with improperly calculating age of transferee.
Fixed Find Query Result Window to show the column headers without cutting them off by default.
Corrected tab order on Find dialog.
Fixed issue with entering duplicate contact names.
Fixed issue with editing a disposition with an attached e4473.
Resolved Firearm Trace Report Show / Hide Advanced display issue.
Resolved Acquisition / Disposition Import issues with a missing Disposition Zip Code if a 4473 Number is specified. Now either all address information must be specified or none of it.
Fixed resizing on Multiple Disposition Form.
Fixed issue where Cancelled And Denied e4473 transfers where showing up as transfers in the A & D log.
Fixed issue with editing a cancelled e4473 disposition that was creating a acquisition.
Fixed issue with non USA contact import.
Fixed issue with automatic backup timer conflict.
Fixed issue with Calculating 3 day NICS check waiting period.
Fixed Issuing Authority overlapping 4473 from text box.
Version -- January 11, 2014
Updated Logo.
Added option to the Inventory Reconcile report that will show the status of all serial numbers regardless of those in the serial number list.
Resolved issue where multiple handguns sales in an e4473 where not being flagged in the Seller Finished screen of a e4473 transaction.
Resolved issue that changed the status of Voided disposition to Transferred by editing the associated 4473 and saving again.
Resolved issue where Transferred, Denied, Canceled e4473 transactions where allow to have their status changed.
Resolved issue where the Acquisition and Disposition reports start and end date where not inclusive if one or both checkboxes where checked.
Resolved issue when a disposition was Voided, Canceled, Denied and a new disposition created exactly as the voided one that it could lose the e4473 association to the disposition.
Resolved issue with the e4473 Form it values where entered into the combo boxes that were not part of the list then then would not be printed on the form.
Added check to prevent re-acquiring an acquisition with the exact same information as used in the last disposition.
Removed Voided Dispositions from showing up in the Acquisition and Disposition Report.
Version -- December 02, 2013
Resolved issue with FBI NICS E-Check not populating on initial page load.
Resolved issue with e4473 form firearm fields overflowing to the next box.
Resolved issue with the Inventory Reconcile report where it was not comparing serial numbers case insensitively.
Version -- November 09, 2013
Added Reconcile Inventory Report
Added Enforce Waiting Period Advanced Setting
Added an Acquisition Count to the main page. This reflects the current count of acquisition's in the system.
Added additional column header info to the Acquisition and Disposition and Currently Inventory Reports.
Increased bound book file security. FFL Bound Book files are now always encrypted instead of previously only when a password was assigned to the bound book.
Resolved issue with Acquisition and Disposition Import where the 4473 number was not being imported.
Resolved issue where multiple contact history revisions where being created during an import.
Version -- October 11, 2013
Added Non-FFL firearm transfer check (See File->Options->Advanced Settings)
Added new Options configuration tab to configure Report Settings.
Added ability to include / exclude optional columns in the Acquisition And Disposition Report.
Added optional e4473 Column to the Acquisition And Disposition Report.
Improved query performance when looking up Disposition History.
Added two new firearm types ("Pistol Grip Firearm" and "Derringer")
Removed Disposition information from the Acquisition And Disposition Report for "e4473Pending", "e4473Canceled" and "e4473Denied" records.
Modified to auto-adjust the font size on the e4473 form to adjust based on the length of the firearm information.
Modified to categorize a "Rifle/Shotgun" as a long gun on the e4473 form.
Updated Acquisition and Disposition Import to calculate the contacts expiration date if possible and not specified.
Removed the requirement to have the repair check box checked for the Require Transfer to FFL feature.
Modified to allow editing a Acquisition / Disposition with an expired FFL number as long as the Received From / Sold To contacts where not changed as part of the edit.
Renamed the "Manufacturer" column in the Acquisition And Disposition Report to "Manufacturer / Importer"
Resolved save issue with the e4473 Settings when a non-numeric serial number was entered and the "Enable e4473 Feature" was disabled.
Resolved issue with additional page printing one less firearm that it should have with a e4473 Form Disposition containing more than 5 firearms.
Resolved issue where an exception was being thrown if a FFL contact being edited had the FFL number changed to a FFL number that already exists in the system. This condition is not allowed however, the unhanded exception should not have been thrown.
Resolved issue where the zip code was not being validated during Acquisition and Disposition or Contact import.
Version -- September 13, 2013
Integrated e4473 Wizard with FBI NICS E-Check Search web page to populate information entered in the e4473 Wizard.
Resolved issue where a trailing spaces on a model number could not be removed during an edit.
Resolved issue where a Contacts modified date time was updated even if there was no change to the contact.
Resolved issue where the Delayed NICS response date was not being populated in the e4473 form after a save.
Resolved issue where non printable characters entered on the e4473 forms where causing the PDF preview / print to fail.
Changed to allow continuing filling out the e4473 form when the initial response from NICS is a delayed response. Allows the e4473 form to be printed without a transfer date. Which can be filled in at a later date.
Resolved issue when creating a FFL contact if the FFL number was not entered or was partially entered and unhanded exception was being thrown.
Modified "Copy Contact Info" to allow selecting multiple contacts in the grid and copying to the clipboard.
Modified firearm labels to print out with 3 columns on a Avery Template 5160.
Added Status column to the Acquisition and Disposition Report.
Resolved issue where e4473Pending, e4473Denied, and e4473Cancelled firearms where not showing in the Current Inventory Report.
Modified the Acquisition and Disposition Report to show N/A for firearms disposition date that has a status of e4473Pending, e4473Denied, or e4473Cancelled.
Added Stop / Cancel Transaction button to the e4473 Form Wizard.
Resolved issue preventing pasting more than 50 characters into the Non-Sequential Multiple Serial Number Generator serial number text box at a time.
Version -- July 18, 2013
Updated FBI NICS E-Check web page link.
Added Report of Multiple Sale or Other Disposition of Certain Rifles (ATF 3310.12) form to the Forms menu.
Added Next and Skip Next buttons to the Multiple Serial Number Generator.
Improved history grid display.
Added option to skip print preview when printing a firearm label.
Improved FFL Number lookup speed.
Added Firearms Trace Report.
Updated the A & D book import to cache contacts making the import process faster.
Updated EZ Arms Keeper internal code base to support SQL Server 2008 as an alternative database to store the bound book information as opposed to the file based SQL Server Compact Edition 4.0 database currently supported.
Resolved issue where an error was being throw when the Transferor's Transaction Serial Number on the Options->e4473 Settings page was changed to a non-numeric character.
Resolved issue with multi-serial number generator exclude text box that was throwing an error if a non-numeric character was entered.
Resolved issue if the x button was clicked when saving a contact while filling out the notes an exception was being thrown.
Version -- April 3, 2013
Changed behavior to skip the Acquisition FFL expiration check when creating a new disposition or editing a previous disposition.
Resolved issue with prompting to print a Semiannual Acquisition and Disposition Report.
Resolved issue with serial number generator cursor.
Version -- March 22, 2013
Changed behavior of Acquisition / Disposition Import to import into the currently open FFL bound book versus asking for a file to import into.
Added ability on Find Disposition screen to search by 4473 Number. The e4473 and 4473 result fields are displayed in separate columns.
Added option to automatically save a local copy of the bound book on application exit.
Changed e4473 questions 3, 13, and 19 to display the full state name on the 4473 form.
Changed Current Inventory / Acquisition and Disposition Reports Acquisition and Disposition Date datetime format to sort correctly.
Changed Acquisition and Disposition report default sort by to the Acquisition Datetime.
Changed Backup / Export to .csv and sort order to the Acquisition Datetime.
Added ability to import data without requiring an internet connection.
Added support for licensed Importers / Exporters.
Added “Country of Manufacturer” field to firearm data entry.
Added "Country" field to contacts data entry.
Dispositions done to a Non FFL out of the country will not require a e4473 form.
Added a warning when a Non United States contact is selected for a disposition.
Updated backup / import / export to handled newly added fields.
Updated Find screens to search by newly added fields.
Updated History screens to show newly added fields.
Update “Current Inventory” and “Acquisition and Disposition” reports to show newly added fields.
Added notes to the backup option types.
Added ability to search notes fields on an Acquisition / Disposition.
Added # rows selected and # rows total information to the find screens.
Added serial number total in the Serial Number Generator screen.
Added Copy List button in the Serial Number Generator screen.
Modified free from serial number text box to take scan gun serial numbers as well as pasting in a list of serial numbers.
Added option to clear the serial number text box after the serial number was added to the list.
Added better error information if login to the database fails. Previously all failures assumed to be due to an incorrect password.
Added friendlier error message when database sharing violation occurs.
Resolved issue with and empty string zip code throwing an error.
Resolved issue preventing editing a Disposition with a non null 4473 number.
Resolved issue with question 21c / 21d on the e4473 form. If the transaction was initially delayed by NICS and then allowed to proceed an error was preventing transition to the next page on the wizard if this occurred on different days.
Resolved issue with editing a contact that was created via the "Name and 4473 Only" feature. If you edited the contact during a disposition the details would not be refreshed.
Resolved issue where some FFL lookups where not filling in the State and City.
Resolved issue with savings a e4473 form with a 9 character zip code.
Resolved issue if a Disposition was voided and then edited it would make it not possible to see the pending Acquisition.
Resolved issue dealing with submitting a Technical Support request after an unhandled error occurred in EZ Arms Keeper.
Version -- March 03, 2013
Added Help->Check For Updates menu.
Added automatic check for new updates each time EZ Arms Keeper is started. This check can be disabled in the File->Options->General Settings tab.
Resolved issue where duplicate contacts were being created during a disposition using the "Name and 4473 Number Only" feature.
Added Export Contacts menu.
Added Import and Export Acquisition and Disposition menu (Note: Does not import or export e4473 information)
Improved application startup time.
Added customization code setting.
Added setting to disable showing the bound book filename on the main screen.
Added a Recent File List menu.
Added a Close menu.
Added ability to specify multiple serial numbers in the find screens.
Added report execution time and report bound book file name to the footer sections of the reports.
Version -- February 25, 2013
Added ability to copy contact information to clipboard from find dialogs.
Added Print Firearm Label Feature
Added Repaired Firearm Feature
Separated e4473 contact information from the main disposition contact info. You are now able to edit the contact information in the e4473 wizard.
Fixed missing zip codes issue in e4473 form.
Added the name of the currently open bound book file in red on the main screen.
Disabled maximize window button on main EZ Arms Keeper screen.
Fixed issue where you were not able to edit the 2008 version of the e4473 form.
Hitting enter in a field in the Find Dialogs will cause the Find button to be pressed.
Fixed e4473 Wizard to allow checking both boxes for country of citizenship.
Added validation check if the Citizen of United states is not checked then alien number or admission number is required.
Add File->Options->Printer Settings for Firearm Labels. Defaulted Orientation to Landscape and Margins Left 0.4 Right: 0 Top: 0.13 Bottom: 0
Version -- January 24, 2013
Resolved issue where newly created FFL bound books files would throw a duplicate key error on the model_xref table when entering an acquisition with the same model name.
FFL Contact Info will now be defaulted on the e4473 pdf form based on the e4473 options settings.
Version -- January 17, 2013
Changed suppport email from to
Reworked the Help->Technical support option in the EZ Arms Keeper application to launch the contact web page on the web site. In older versions of EZ Arms Keeper the Help->Technical support option NO longer works and should not be used. Please upgrade your version of EZ Arms keeper to at least version so that you will be able to contact us in you have questions or issues.
Version -- January 13, 2013
Resolved issue when a disposition was edited with an associated e4473 it would no longer be possible to view / edit the previously assocated e4473 form.
Resolved issue with "Find e4473" by Firearm Serial # query that was not returning the correct data.
Version -- January 2, 2013
Updated Find screens to auto-refresh after an operation has been performed to prevent from editing a record that has changed to a different state.
Version -- December 6, 2012
Resolved issue that prevented dispositioning a previously entered acquisition with an expired acquisition FFL contact.
Version -- November 26, 2012
Resolved issue with memorized list items being deleted.
Corrected misspelling of Gauge on New Acquisition form.
Version -- November 09, 2012
Resolved duplicate items in memorized lists.
Resolved issue where Contact Names and Addresses were being forced to TitleCase.
Added a separate notes field to dispositions.
Made history view autosize rows to show notes better.
Added "Disposition Name and 4473 Number Only" Feature. Allows auto creating a disposition contact with no address information.
Set cursor focus to appropriate text boxes on find dialogs.
Resolved issues with backups.
Added feature to automatically save a copy of the ffl file locally when EZ Arms keeper is shutdown.
Updated Find functions to show the details of the item that was found.
Added "Include Historical Changes" option to the Acquisition And Disposition Report.
Added sorting to report columns.
Version -- August 15, 2012
Improved performance of the CSV backup.
Updated the outgoing SMTP server in the Help->Technical Support so it would start working again.
Version -- August 13, 2012
Resolved customer reported issue (thank you Brenda) where entering a nonexistent zip code in the New Contact dialog was throwing an error.
Improved the performance of the New Acquisition / New Disposition dialogs.
Changed Received From and Sold To contact drop down lists in the New Acquisition / New Disposition dialogs to use auto suggest behavior.
Version -- August 3, 2012
Split the Add / Edit Contact Dialog into two separate dialogs New Contact, and Edit Contact. This makes the contacts dialogs more consistent with the Acquisition and Disposition dialogs.
Removed the Find menu option and placed Find menu options under the Acquisitions, Contact, and Dispositions menu items.
Added unhandled exceptions feature. When an unhandled exception occurs the user is prompted with the Help->Technical Support dialog and asked to describe what happened and given the choice if they want to send the error to technical support.
Enhanced Technical Support dialog to allow the user to attach screen shot images to the request.
Modified how the Acquisition dialog was being re-sized. This was causing the Acquisition form to be clipped on some computers where it was not possible to enter data.
Added an option to the Options->e4473 Settings that allows setting the next transaction serial number that will be generated for a new e4473 Form.
Added feature that allows editing an Acquisition (where firearm / acquisition information can be changed) and allowing it to then be Dispositioned in a single step. Previously this was a two-step process. The typical use for this is when you are building a firearm. The firearm during the disposition needs to be changed from one type to another.
Relaxed restriction that prevented the user from changing the e4473 firearm type. If the user Dispositions a firearm with a firearm type that EZ Arms Keeper does not recognized it is classified as other. This can now be changed based on user discretion.
Resolved customer reported issue (thank you Tracey) where EZ Arms Keeper was not able to open a password protected file after an upgrade. EZ Arms Keeper was not using the password that the user entered in this circumstance to open the bound book file. The issue was introduced in version
Resolved issue where older versions of EZ Arms Keeper were able to open newer versions of the bound book.
Resolved issue where EZ Arms Keeper would automatically generate a new bound book file if the previously opened one had been moved or deleted.
Resolved issue where EZ Arms Keeper would try to pick for you the last firearm when editing an Acquisition or Disposition when changing the firearm model.
Resolved issue with editing a contact that would result in creating a new separate contact.
Version -- July 19, 2012
Fixed customer reported issue (thank you Mike) with multiple serial number generator where the error "A duplicate value cannot be inserted into a unique index. [ Table name = model_xref, Constraint name = model_xref_pkey ]" occurred after saving a Acquisition with multiple serial numbers generated by the Multiple Serial Number Generator.
Fixed customer reported issue (thank you Dan) with Daily FFL Backup where the error "Unhandled exception has occurred in your application...." was occurring.
Version -- July 18, 2012
Fixed feature to do multiple acquisitions / dispositions at a time. This was broken in release
Modified the serial number generator to allow multiple free form serial numbers to be entered.
Fixed issue with creating multiple serial numbers in a single Acquisition. If you changed the model after using the serial number generator form the serial number would be treated as a single acquisition and would create a serial number with commas in it.
Modified the Serial Number Generator form if the start from number was greater than the value in the end with it sets the end with to the start from value. And conversely if you set the end with to less than the start from it set the start from to the end with value.
Changed the behavior of how to fill out the e4473 Form. Added a new option "e4473 Data Entry Mode" that allows you to select what sections of the e4473 form you want to fill out.
Added option to allowing prompting during a disposition to a non-FFL what type of action to take. In some cases you might not want to fill out the e4473 form but don't want to have to disable the "e4473 Feature" option before doing so.
Allowed the ability to edit the First and Last Name on the e4473 Form Wizard. Previously you could only edit the middle name. Note however that this will not update the actual contacts name if it is different than what is entered in the e4473 Form Wizard.
If a contact is entered with a middle name in the Add / Edit Contact form a best guess will be made to pre-populate the first, middle, and last name on the e4473 Form Wizard.
Fixed issue with the tab index order between ethnicity and race on the April 2012 e4473 form.
Modified new Acquisition so that it is sized accordingly until the expand button it clicked for a disposition.
Fixed issue on the contact form when creating a new contact a random city would always be populated.
Fixed issue where if you edited the name of the contact it would create a new contact instead of just updating it.
Fixed issue where the contact that was just add / edited was not being selected in the grid after clicking save if the name of the contact changed.
Modified to allow the user to enter their own 4473 Form transaction serial number. (By default a sequential number is generated that can be replaced)
Added a Find e4473 Dialog. Allows you a different way to find a e4473 form using different search options.
Version -- July 9, 2012
Updated Electronic 4473 (e4473) Form Wizard to use the latest ATF April 2012 4473 form revision.
Added Memorized Lists feature. This feature allows the user to control what items show up in the firearms drop down lists (Model, Manufacturer / Importer, Type, Caliber / Guage).
Added ability for user to select a printer before printing the e4473 form.
Fixed bug with the 4473 form where it would show multiple revisions of a single firearm. This happened when a user would cancel the 4473 wizard and then re-launch it from the disposition form.
Added Technical Support form that provides a way to send important information when debugging support questions.
Version -- June 6, 2012
Fixed issue where the firearm model was not being selected properly from a listbox.
Version -- May 24, 2012
Fixed missing transferee (Buyer) place of birth on the printed e4473 form.
Version -- May 14, 2012
Fixed issue with Acquisition and Disposition report showing some acquisitions as pending that had already been dispositioned.
Added new Current Inventory Report.
File Open / New will now default to the directory of the currently in use bound book file.
Removed invalid shortcuts from the EZ Arms Keeper programs menu. Unfortunately this causes issues with upgrading from version or See Support FAQS for more details.
Version -- April 9, 2012Â
Fixed issue where contacts who's FFL #'s had expired and the expiration date had been updated caused pending Acquisitions to not be allowed to Disposition them until they were also manually updated.
Fixed issue with notes not being displayed on the Acquisition / Disposition Report.
Provided a way to control what drop down lists the contacts are displayed in.
Add setting that allows disability the Electronic 4473 (e4473) Wizard feature.
Improved Find Acquisition / Disposition performance.
Worked on the Acquisition / Disposition report to make it require less pages for printing. Also changed the format to allow easier export to Excel.
Added ability to Void a Acquisition.
Improved the Acquisition / Disposition Rendering performance.
Improved Acquisition serial number lookup performance.
Version -- February 13, 2012
Added Electronic 4473 form wizard feature.
Version -- November 18, 2011
Fixed issue where acquisition history was not being displayed properly from the disposition history form.
Version -- October 12, 2011
Fixed issue with phone number not being saved correctly.
Added ability to delete unused contacts.
Version -- September 26, 2011
Re-branded to Seekins Precision.
Version -- June 29, 2011
Official public release of EZ Arms Keeper